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After graduating college I went to work in the hospitality industry. My hours were all over the place, including working overnight shifts. It quickly started to affect my health. My weight was fluctuating, my cycle became irregular, I was experiencing pelvic pain for the first time and I was exhausted. I had no idea what was going on with my body and after many doctor visits, ultrasounds, and months of physical therapy, I was still left without any clear answers. I tried different versions of birth control as that was really the only option I was given to help "fix" my cycle issues. So when I stopped getting my period altogether I figured it was better than the alternative and just accepted this to be normal. It wasn't until years later when I began to become more mindful about what I was putting in my body, that I started to question the connection of it all. 


I had made a career change and was now working in tech startups. I watched my coworkers live a lifestyle that consisted of staying up late, pounding energy drinks during the day, and eating whatever food was available while working at their desk for lunch and dinner. I had experienced first hand the negative effects of this lifestyle and wanted to do whatever I could to educate them. This is when I truly discovered my new passion for health and wellness. 


In 2016 I decided to go back to school and get my certificate in holistic nutrition at Bauman College in Berkeley, CA. During my time there, I started to put the pieces together. It wasn't one thing that had caused my hormones to get out of whack but rather a string of events over the years that had caused these imbalances -- I was ready to make some changes!


My goal is to help women, like me, get their hormones back in balance so that they can feel their best. You deserve to be heard! I understand how frustrating it is when doctors tell you that everything is fine or that what you are feeling is normal. You know your body best and if something doesn't feel right, trust your instincts. I am here to help you figure out what that is and get you back to your best self.


To read my full story check out my blog post My Journey to Gratitude.




From fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, hair loss, insomnia, low libido, to PMS, pelvic pain, endometriosis, PCOS and more -- hormones affect all areas of our lives



Before you can even focus on your hormones it's important to make sure your gut health is in check. So many health issues stem from our digestive system



Getting pregnant can sometimes take time -- if you want the option of having kids one day there's no harm in prepping your body now



Toxins are endocrine disruptors. They induce, inhibit, mimic, and block hormones in the body. Removing toxins from our everyday lives and detoxing them properly is necessary 



Certain foods and vitamins can play a role in helping prevent miscarriages and bringing a healthy baby to term



It is estimated that 90 percent of the body's serotonin is made in the digestive tract. Neurotransmitters and other chemicals produced in your gut also affect your brain. By altering the types of bacteria in your gut, it may be possible to improve your brain health.



Having a baby can throw off our hormones in ways you didn't even know possible. It's important to get them back in balance so you can feel your best



There is no one size (or diet) fits all when it comes to health. It's important to figure out what foods are best for your body. 

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