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Writer's pictureHayley Vetras

All About That Gut Health

Updated: Jun 13, 2019

Didn't do so well on your gut health quiz? Don't stress (really DON'T -- stress can make it so much worse!) there are diet and lifestyle changes that can help restore your gut.But first, we are going to talk about the different types of digestive issues. I know it can be confusing to understand what is going on with your body, so let's go a little more in-depth regarding a few common digestive conditions.

5 Digestive Conditions

1. Hypochlorhydria: Inadequate hydrochloric acid (HCl)

  • Triggers: Stress, Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) and other bacterial infections, antacids, H2 blockers, proton pump inhibitors, nutrient deficiencies

  • Healing Foods: Seaweed, oysters, pumpkin seeds, bitter greens — dandelion, arugula, kale

  • Herbs: Bitter tinctures — gentian, yellow dock, ginger, chamomile

  • Key Nutrients: Zinc, B complex vitamins, probiotics, betaine HCl

2. Leaky Gut: Intestinal hyper-permeability; when bacteria and toxins are able to "leak" through the intestinal wall

  • Triggers: Stress, toxins, trauma, surgery, malnutrition, NSAIDS, birth control, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, drugs, antibiotics, toxic metals, parasites, fungus, allergenic foods

  • Healing Foods: Rotation diet of fresh vegetables, non allergenic proteins, cultured foods — yogurt, kefir, raw sauerkraut, kombucha, beet kvass, miso

  • Herbs: Antimicrobial herbs, anti-inflammatory herbs — aloe vera, slippery elm, Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL), marshmallow root

  • Key Nutrients: L-glutamine, vitamin b5, vitamin C, probiotics, Saccharomyces boulardii, essential fatty acids, stress relieving techniques

3. Malabsorption: Inability to absorb nutrients

  • Triggers: Inadequate stomach acid, damage to of small intestine, inflammation, food sensitivities

  • Healing Foods: Bone broths; vegetable soups; nutrient- dense, small, frequent meals; avoid gluten, dairy, and any known allergens or triggers

  • Herbs: Comfrey root, marshmallow root, slippery elm, ginger, wild yam, meadowsweet, agrimony, cardamom, chamomile, fennel

  • Key Nutrients: Digestive enzymes, betaine HCl, probiotics, easily digestible protein powders

4. Dysbiosis: Imbalanced gut ecology

  • Triggers: Parasites, antibiotics, toxins, toxic metals, drugs, chlorinated water, chemotherapy, radiation

  • Healing Foods: Rotation diet of fresh vegetables, non allergenic proteins, pumpkin seeds, garlic, onions, cultured foods — yogurt, kefir, raw sauerkraut, beet kvass, kombucha, miso

  • Herbs: Echinacea, barberry, goldenseal, Oregon grape root, garlic, oil of oregano, olive leaf, clove, black walnut hull, slippery elm, grapefruit seed extract

  • Key Nutrients: Probiotics; essential fatty acids; vitamins A, C, and B complex (B5); folic acid; magnesium; zinc; selenium

5. Candida: Excessive fungal overgrowth

  • Triggers: Sugar, refined carbohydrates, stress, antibiotics, birth control, mercury toxicity

  • Healing Foods: Garlic, cayenne, avoid all yeast, mold, sweets, fruit, juice, and refined starches including white bread and pasta. It is even recommended to avoid vinegar including pickled items and apple cider vinegar which is often a healing food for the gut

  • Herbs: Echinacea, barberry, goldenseal, Oregon grape root, garlic, oil of oregano, olive leaf, clove, oil of thyme, tea tree oil

  • Key Nutrients: Probiotics; Saccharomyces boulardii; essential fatty acids; vitamins A, C, and B complex; CoQ10; undecenoic acid

For all digestive issues, follow the 4R Protocol:

1. Remove harmful pathogens or irritating substances, including allergens.

2. Replace with digestive enzymes, HCl, proteins, essential fats, vitamins, and minerals.

3. Re-inoculate with a wide range of beneficial bacteria (probiotics).

4. Repair and rebuild with amino acids, essential fatty acids, nutrients, and relaxation.

If you talk with your doctor there are different tests you can take to see what type of digestive condition you have and it may not fall under any of these categories. For now, I'm offering you my free "stool transit time" assessment. All of my clients who struggle with digestive issues do this quick, at home test. It's an easy way to determine if you are clearing food through your digestive system optimally. Get yours here at the bottom of this week's newsletter!

Confused about your results? Sign up for a free 30 minute consultation now and we can go over your results!

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