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Writer's pictureHayley Vetras


Updated: Oct 8, 2020

Next month marks 1 year since my Endometriosis surgery + it's the beginning of cold and flu season. What does that mean exactly? That it's extra important for me to focus on my health right now. This entails not only boosting my immune system but also making sure there isn't too much inflammation in my body (which will cause the tissue to start growing back).

Inflammation is your bodies way of protecting you from outside invaders but can also be brought on by stress, lack of sleep, diet, caffeine, alcohol, viruses and even NSAIDs. Although inflammation is needed, too much can cause long term health issues. It is said to be the root of all diseases, which is scary, I know. Luckily, inflammation can be reversed by eating an anti-inflammatory diet! This week we'll be chatting about anti-inflammatory + booster foods and as promised, you'll get the recipe for my new zoodle dish below!

When it comes to diet there are things that immediately cause the body to become inflamed and others we are started to learn more about. Here are food you should try to avoid altogether.

  • Commercial meats (cold cuts) and dairy products like processed cheese (organic/grass-fed/pasture raised are OK)

  • Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (margarine, canola, soybean etc.)

  • Trans fats like fried foods, processed snacks, many packaged goods

  • Refined and artificial sugar

  • Artificial colors, flavors

  • White flour/Gluten

More recently we have learned that the following items are often contributing to inflammation and should be limited or removed completely using an elimination diet to see if you are experiences issues with them.

  • Grains (including some non-gluten grains like rice and quinoa)

  • Dairy

  • Caffeine (many people don't have the correct enzyme that processes caffeine)

  • Alcohol (large intakes or daily intake)

Now about things we should be increasing daily to help support an anti-flammatory diet.

  • Cold-water fatty fish (tuna, salmon, sardines) Filled with Omega-3 fatty acids

  • Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts) They help your body detoxification

  • Dark leafy greens (kale, spinach, chard, etc) Contain B vitamins and magnesium

  • Colorful fresh fruits and veggies - eating seasonally is best! They are high in Vitamin C and bioflavonoids

I know you've heard me talk about booster foods before, but just to remind you, Dr. Bauman coin-ed this term because they are foods/spices that give your body an extra boost! That refers to boosting your immune system, metabolism, energy levels and even your mood! In addition, they balance your blood sugar levels and neutralize/detoxify environmental chemicals by improving gut, liver, and kidney functions. Many booster foods have anti-inflammatory properties which is why they are an important part of an anti-inflammatory diet.

  • Spices: Allspice, Black pepper, Cardamom, Cayenne, Chili pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves, Coriander, Curry, Garlic, Ginger, Mustard, Nutmeg & Turmeric

  • Herbs: Basil, Dill, Oregano, Rosemary, Sage, & Thyme

  • Nuts/Seeds: Almonds, Hemp, Chia, Flax, Pumpkin & Walnuts

  • Fermented Foods: Kimchi, Sauerkraut, Seaweed, Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Beverages: Green Tea, Bone Broth, Cabbage/Vegetable Juice

  • Green Powders: Chlorella & Spirulina

Supplements like the ones below are a great alternative to using NSAIDS if you are experiencing chronic inflammation. Make sure to speak to your doctor about dosages and length of use.

  • Magnesium

  • Calcium

  • Zinc

  • Selenium

  • Vitamin D3

  • Vitamin C

  • Omega 3-'s

  • Grape Seed Extract

  • Vitamin B Complex

  • Melatonin

An anti-inflammatory diet doesn't just stop there. It has to do with your lifestyle was well. Here are some lifestyle tips & tricks to combat inflammation.

  1. Keep a food/mood diary (this is to understand what foods you may have a sensitivity to, however mild it may be, it could still be causing inflammation)

  2. Do regular non-impact exercise, such as walking, swimming, yoga, pilates

  3. Take time out for relaxation, such as reading, baths, and gardening

  4. Face and resolve stressors in your life

  5. Calm your mind and send love and healing to inflamed body tissues through mediation

**NOTE that some food that I have listed as anti-inflammatory or booster foods may actually cause inflammation in your body if you can an allergy to them and should be avoided. Nightshades for example (which include eggplant, peppers, tomatoes) can be highly sensitive for individuals. If that's the case I recommend swapping the tomatoes/sauce in the below dish with a homemade pesto or just olive oil/garlic base!

Mushroom + Kale Zoodle Pasta

Serves: 2


  • 1 cup zucchini noodles (you can make them yourself or buy them ready-to-eat like the ones below from Cece's Veggie Co.)

  • 2 cups mixed mushrooms of choice chopped (I used shiitake, maitake, and black)

  • 2 garlic cloves minced

  • 1/4 white onion chopped

  • 2 tsp olive oil

  • 1 tsp red pepper flakes (optional)

  • 2.5 cups kale

  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes (about 6 whole of halved)

  • 1/2 cup tomato sauce

  • 1/2 lemon

  • 1 tbsp hemp seeds

  • 1 tsp nutritional yeast

  • 4oz of grilled salmon (cut in half to make two pieces)

  • Parsely to top


  1. Heat large skillet with olive oil over medium-high heat. Add garlic, onions, red pepper flakes, and mushroom for about 3-5 mins

  2. Then add tomatoes and kale and cover with a lid for about 2-3 minutes until kale wilts.

  3. At the same time, take your salmon (it can be raw or already cooked like mine to save a bit of time) and place it in a medium size skillet with 1 tsp olive olive and lemon juice. Cover and let sit for 2 mins on each side (longer if raw).

  4. Add in zoodles and tomato sauce to the large skillet and cook for another 3-4 minutes with the lid on.

  5. Divide "pasta" into two bowls and with sprinkle hemp and nutritional yeast. Add salmon and top with parsley. Serve hot and enjoy!

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