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Writer's pictureHayley Vetras

Why you should consider a cleanse right now

Updated: Mar 18, 2020

January has quickly evolved into the month of trying new diet trends like Whole 30, Dry January, etc. Although I generally prescribe to a lifestyle shift approach with it comes to health, and try not to recommend "fad diets" (there is no one size fits all), I do believe there can be some huge health benefits besides the conventional weight loss goal. Using a cleanse or fasting method, if tailored correctly, could be incredibly helpful as a form of detoxing the body and boosting the immune system. This time of year we see an influx of people getting sick with the common cold or flu and now recently the coronavirus, which we know has similar symptoms. When it comes to protecting ourselves and our immune systems, fasting and/or cleansing may be just what we need!

We often think of detoxification as a drastic cleansing of the body which it can be, but it doesn't have to. Seasonal juice or broth (even water) fasting and very spare food intake are examples of the extreme type of regimen that should only occur for short periods of time (1-5 days). Additionally, cleansing or detoxing can also be done on a daily basis as part of our everyday eating pattern. If we chose lighter, simply prepared foods, and increase our detoxification abilities with Booster Foods, we can detoxify for a longer period without disrupting our lives. For me, I typically go a minimum of 3 weeks during this time of year to reset my body and boost my immune system.

What are the benefits of fasting, cleansing & detoxification?

• Simplifies digestion and rests the digestive tract

• Heals and strengthens the gut lining

• Balances body pH (acidity/alkalinity)

• Allows for improved nutrient absorption by improving organ and system function

• Enhances immune system and detoxification capabilities

So what do I need to do?

First, I would recommend cutting the crap (this goes for everyone) - avoid packaged, processed, and restaurant fast foods. Read the labels on packages. If the product has non-food ingredients, such as preservatives, natural flavors, colors, etc., or if it has sugar listed as the first 3 ingredients, it’s best to avoid it. A good product has clean, simple ingredients and ideally it's fresh! Eat more raw and lightly cooked vegetables, fresh fruits, seeds and nuts, organic eggs, and the cleanest seafood and poultry. You can also eat whole grains, legumes, and organic dairy, although I personally remove these for myself. Again, you want to cater this to your own body. Here are some specific guidelines below.


• The Whites: sugar, flour, breads, rice, milk, potatoes

• Caffeine and added sugars: coffee, soda, sports drinks, alcohol, chocolate, caffeinated tea

• Gluten grains: wheat, rye, barley, malt

• Corn + soy

• Meat: commercial beef, pork, lamb, lunch meats

• Commercial dairy: milk, cheese, butter, eggs

• Tap water


• Fresh vegetables: raw, steamed, baked, or sauteed

• Fresh seasonal fruits

• Herbal teas, fresh juices, broths (green tea if you don't want to remove caffeine altogether)

• Organic non-gluten grains: brown rice, quinoa, amaranth; millet and buckwheat if non-reactive (I avoid most grains but still have quinoa and oats)

• Meat: free-range turkey, chicken, wild fish, seafood, grass-fed beef and lamb

• Cow or goat dairy (as tolerated): milk, yogurt, or cheese (i avoid dairy altogether)

• Booster Foods: spirulina/chlorella/mixed greens powders, protein powders (hemp + pea), sea vegetables, flax and chia seed, nutritional yeast, herbs and spices

• Filtered water

Besides that are there other guidelines I should follow?

Yes -- the way you eat your food is almost as important as what you are eating!

• Chew! Chew! Chew! (Up to 20 times is ideal)

• Put all your food on a plate, eat in a non-stressful environment, and eat while sitting

• Enjoy your food. Relax a few minutes before and after + put your fork down between bites

• Sip liquid between meals, not during meals

• Do not eat after dinner, give your digestion tract a much needed rest — have herbal teas, broth, water, or hot lemon water. I would even recommend eating your last meal around 5pm and give yourself a 14-16 break before eating again in the AM.

• High liquid intake is also essential - up to 10 glasses/day

• Take your Vitamin D - deficiency is linked to colds/flu

What about exercise? Should I do that during a cleanse?

There are so many cleansing and detoxifying effects of exercise. Aerobic exercise increases blood and lymphatic circulation which distribute nutrients and remove metabolic waste from the cells. Regular exercise can improve bowel regularity, sleep, and reduce stress -- all of which keep your immune system functioning properly.

A few things to keep in mind:

• If you do not currently exercise, start with walking for 20 minutes, 3 times per week

• Monitor yourself and listen to your body

• On days when you feel fatigued, choose not to exercise or lighten the type and duration of exercise

What if I am already sick?

Cleansing and fasting is also good if you are trying to get over an illness.

In addition to the things above:

• Drink all the liquids! When you first wake have 2 cups of room temp water with lemon

(BONUS: add sea-salt for an electrolyte boost!), have at least 1 green juice a day, bone broth should become your best friend and sip on herbal tea right after dinner until bed.

• Sweat out toxins for quick beneficial results

• Take saunas — infrared is best

• Take baths with several cups of Epsom salt in them — epsom salt is magnesium sulfate and can help with the detoxification process

• Do a dry-brush massage prior to soaking or showering: Using a soft bristle, long-handled brush, use long, sweeping, gentle strokes that lead toward your heart. Feels invigorating and stimulates your lymph glands

• Double or Triple up on the vitamin D, C, and A intake

Anything I should know if I am doing a fast?

Prepare with the tips (above) at least one week prior and gradually lighten the diet to:

• Eat only fruits and vegetables 1–5 days

• Move to fresh juice and broth 1–4 days

• Return to regular diet in reverse

Are you interested in a sample meal plan to help jump start your cleanse? Let me know by emailing at or sign up here.

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